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AuditDesk Service


"We do our best and you are busy enough with the rest"

We are the specialized people for Small Business Accounting. Out sourcing your book keeping service will save your company’s cost. The cost saving benefits include exclusion of payroll taxes and other employee benefits. Outsourcing book keeping services works out to be cheaper than paying a full time book keeping employee.

We understand, as a small business owner you have plenty of things to do and your hands are always full, to liberate your hands and to press the same on your business to generate profits we take care of this. Out sourcing your accounting services to AuditDesk is the best way to go forward. Cheers !

Accounting and Book Keeping

a) Revenue Items

  • AuditDesk Accounting & Book Keeping Services Sales Register
  • AuditDesk Accounting & Book Keeping Services Purchase Register
  • AuditDesk Accounting & Book Keeping Services Wages Register
  • AuditDesk Accounting & Book Keeping Services Expenditure Summaries
  • AuditDesk Accounting & Book Keeping Services Inventory Position
  • AuditDesk Accounting & Book Keeping Services Other Incomes

b) Balance Sheet

  • Image Current Capital Position
  • Image Fixed Assets and Depreciation Statements
  • Image Periodical Payable Statements
  • Image Periodical Receivable Statements
  • Image Cash book and Bank books
  • Image Other Assets and Liabilities Summary
  • Image Branch and Departmental Accounting
  • Image Duties, Taxes Payable & Reconciliation Statements

We are always available to spend time with you so you fully understand how to interpret and utilize the financial information we provide. With a CA assisted accounting, we ensure your books and general ledgers are clean and all time ready. Our consultations are already included in our price, so please feel free to call us during any business hours and clarify a question or concern.

For corporate and tax audit clients we will ensure the books are maintained as per the prescribed accounting standards and related compliances.



Our motto is “Never compromise on quality”.



We believe in Transparency and accountability.



We are Reliable, Affordable and Trust worthy.

AuditDesk Service

Independent examination and evaluation of financial information of an entity

Performance of auditing services essentialize, we explore new methods to help you achieve your business and its objectives, of course, strengthen management controls too. This will tune you to understand your current financial situation, and you can use what you learn from the financial audit to improve your business processes from the inside out. This will bring transparency to your organization and together we will work to uphold your company’s financial well being.

It is imperative that investors, financiers, and other capital funding instruments have their portfolios audited or financial statements reviewed on periodical basis. We undertake such audit services and take you beyond the numbers, giving you a critical analysis of your operations and offering added value beyond simply providing an opinion on your financial statements.

Our team can support an existing internal audit function including audit coordination, control testing, and documentation on a pilot basis.

Internal Audit

The scope of operations for an internal audit program typically comprises all types of audits the organization conducts, including financial and non-IT operational audits as well as audits of IT controls, procedures, environments, and capabilities.

Financial Audit

This has long focused on what financial information organizations record and report, besides how organizations maintain the completeness, accuracy, and integrity of such derived information.

Compliance Audit

Compliance audits embraces externally and internally driven examinations of an organization’s fulfilment of legal or statutory requirements, industry standards, licensing terms, contractual obligations and other formal commitments.

Stock Audit

It can be as simple as just taking a physical count of stock and inventory to verify a match to the accounting records.

Information System Audit

IT audits can evaluate entire organization, individual business units, mission functions and business processes, services, systems, infrastructure, or technology components.

Payroll Audit

To deliver higher payroll accuracy to your employees and to ensure your payroll processes are fully in compliance with statutory regulations.

Operational Audit

operational audits consider internal controls from two distinct perspectives: first, to determine whether appropriate controls are in place to enable the efficient and effective execution of the business processes under examination and second, that the controls implemented by organizations function properly.

Special Audit

Such Audits are conducted in order to probe into a specific area of the organization's activities.



Our motto is “Never compromise on quality”.



We believe in Transparency and accountability.



We are Reliable, Affordable and Trust worthy.

AuditDesk Service

We Provide you Expert Tax Management Services

At AuditDesk, our multi disciplinary professionals with enormous industry knowledge can assist you in complying with all necessary tax related regulations. You define how you want to collaborate and we adjust our processes and technology and take responsibility for your compliance obligations that fits your unique needs.

Our youtube channel can provide you updated tax information at regular intervals, please visit our blog and other social media Handles too to get yourself well informed.

Service Advantage

Direct Taxes - Income Tax

  • Image Salaries - Tax Planning, Filing
  • Image Business - Preparation and Cleaning your ledgers for Audit
  • Image House Property - Advisories, Computation and filing
  • Image Capital Gain - Advisories, Computation and Filing
  • Image Others - Annual compliance including filing of SFT

Does your tax advisor actually provide advice?

@AuditDesk we have extensive experience with tax situations and that brings expertise and further to solutions

Contact Us

What impacts your TAX PLANNING

is Legal and your right to adopt !!




House Property


Capital Gain




Other Sources


Tax Planning : Doing an autopsy in Tax Matters can horribly go wrong many a times, whether you are a salaried or an individual wanted to sell the property, plan your taxes prior to the transaction date so that you don’t end up missing the tax guidelines.

After the introduction of AIS (Annual Information Statements) every single transaction is covered by the Income Tax Authorities quite extensively, you don’t want to end up missing any link inadvertently and end up paying for NOT KNOWING. Carpe Diem.

At the time of tax payment, be reminded yourself, if your tax obligation has increased from the previous year, it's usually because you're enjoying more income. That's a situation to which most of us hope for. Higher taxes are a price that we pay for grander success.

Your tax time rendezvous with us is an opportunity not just file your tax returns, but to make sure you are getting the support you need to continue growing your business in the years to come.



Our motto is “Never compromise on quality”.



We believe in Transparency and accountability.



We are Reliable, Affordable and Trust worthy.

AuditDesk Service


Change is Constant, this apply to Management Information, as this is the one branch of ascertainment that evolves very constantly along with the advanced technology based business which are on the spree. Here, the decision making people can get tools used to support processes, operations, intelligence and Technology to play with data and other management information.


From ledgers to flash memory, the MIS tools are ahead of times.

Though organizational growth is optimal for both small and large companies, it comes with many different challenges. With expansion, comes more responsibilities, strategic planning, and the need for better communication.

A startup evolves from 5 employees to 200, new business units are created to handle specific functions and optimize efficiency. Managers are required to monitor each department to ensure everyone is meeting targets on time.



Our motto is “Never compromise on quality”.



We believe in Transparency and accountability.



We are Reliable, Affordable and Trust worthy.

AuditDesk Service


AuditDesk will make these registrations seamless and easy. We are committed to complete the task in a time bounded schedule and we have the checklist ready for you always.


A Comprehensive, Multistage, Destination based tax. A business needs to register only if they cross certain level in Turnover.


Business with 20 or more employees is to be registered mandatorily.


Business or individual planning to establish a micro, small and medium enterprises.


Todays’ Financial Situation demands PAN at every step of transaction. Where the TAN is applicable where TDS/TCS provision becomes mandatory.


Issued by DGFT when you engage in import or export of goods or services.


If your business is associated with food. There to have it.


Whether it is Inventories or your Assets, at AuditDesk our Professional Value partners will provide you services at par.

Professional Tax/Shop Establishment

It falls within the state jurisdiction and business shall get registered within 30 days of business formation.

Change in Constitution

From Partnership to Private Ltd., or Private Ltd to Public Ltd all such conversions from one bucket to the other, we handle it for you.

Periodical Filings :

GST Return Filings

Every Registered Dealer should file monthly / quarterly returns depends on their turnover. Annual Returns in GSTR 9 in excess of a specified turnover should be filed on the subsequent year.

TDS Returns

Once mandated, this provision shall be dealt with utmost care, the Deducted and paid tax shall be reported quarterly.

Corporate Affairs

From Annual Returns to change in data should be filed in a time bound manner. Increased compliances to ensure transparency shall fully be adhered with.

Income Tax

Whether business or an Individual, whether recurring or one time, The ITR should be filed on the Assessment Year.

Labour Laws

Monthly and Periodical filings without any delay is indispensable as the laws attached with these regulations are very stringent and at time cumbersome.


Periodical Renewals of LUT in GST, Import Export Code, Payment of Advance Tax in Income Tax, FSSAI, DIR 3 KYC in MCA etc., cannot be belated.



Our motto is “Never compromise on quality”.



We believe in Transparency and accountability.



We are Reliable, Affordable and Trust worthy.

AuditDesk Service



We don’t draft, we craft



Our motto is “Never compromise on quality”.



We believe in Transparency and accountability.



We are Reliable, Affordable and Trust worthy.

Find the solution that best fits your business